Tuesday, August 31, 2010

HEYHEYHEY PEOPLE! It's me again! (Jiexin)
HAHA. I know I know, you guys are waiting for my post right?
Rest assure, this post won't be as short as my previous one,
and of course, not as long as Mr Joshua's (:

Let's see, what should we talk about this week?

Okay, shall tell you guys an enriching/meaningful line:
In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time.
-Anthony J. D'Angelo

Sounds quite normal right, but it's quite true.
Let me share with you my very precious little experience (Please don't fall asleep!)
I was learning how to serve the right way during yesterday's training.
Honestly speaking, I failed like 38247984789475 times,
until I'm even quite frustrated by myself ):
Although I've not succeeded serving nice balls over the net,
but I got to know my mistakes and ...
I believe one day, I will do it, BECAUSE I'VE FAILED SO MANY TIMES!
HAHAHAHAHA!!! (Okay, i know not funny).

So people, it's okay to fail (but not too many times),
because you'll eventually succeed! (:
Don't give up on learning tennis, come for training,
fail once or twice, and soon enough, you'll find out that you're learning lots of things!

Not bad not bad, I think my post not bad, don't you guys think so?
Okay okay, I can hear claps and cheers everywhere now, don't praise me too much,
I'm a shy person (everyone 'knows' that).

Finally, I shall end my awesome post with a JOKE (:
'When I was born, the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father, I'm very sorry. We did everything we could. But he pulled through.' - Rodney Dangerfield

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tennis Muscles!

Sorry for not having a weekly post last week and that this post is a little late =S

Anyway, this week's (or should I say last week's) post is on how to train your Tennis Musclesssss!!!

A lot of your might think that if you want to hit a hard and fast ball, you need lots of arm muscles to swing the racket hard and fast so you can hit the ball real hard.
However, this might not be true. Yes you need arm muscles to hold the racket upright but more importantly, to hit hard, you need a great trunk (Core muscles).

Core muscles is the muscles around your mid-body, simply your abs and muscles around your waist and hips. The reason core muscles and flexibility around you core area is important is because when you swing your racket, you don't just swing your arm but you swing you whole body to allow for maximum swing distance, hence power. So it is to say that if you have a flexible core, you can swing your body more. And when you have a strong core, your total swing is hard. So combine them both, you will be able to hit hard.

A good example will be golf. Golf is a game where you don't swing your arm, but you swing your whole body. See how far the ball flies...

So if you want to hit a hard and fast ball, don't just pump your arms. Do more crunches and go for the planks!

Other than your core muscles, also train your leg muscles, the thighs and the calves so that you can maintain a low position throughout the match.

Alright! That's about it for this post. The information I give is based on some research I have done, not just my own opinion. But feel free to challenge anything you think is wrong! Put them down on the comments section. It will help everyone and make you look smart too!

Maybe another post next time I can post on how to train your Tennis Muscles.

Sign Off,
Tiong Kiat

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trainings during Exam and Study Week

30 August to 5 September is study week. Trainings will be optional.
Please study hard and score well!! Unless you feel that you are too pro for exams then you can come for trainings everyday.

Trainings on 6 & 9 September are canceled due to the EXAMSSS

Good Luck to all who has exams no matter how many papers you have!