Finally you're reading my post right?
FYI, i'm the one going to step down, less-known VP that i believe most of YOU, the freshies doesn't know about!
Whichever the reason may be, i know it's real unlucky of you to not know me! HAHAH! =p
Ahhhh.. i know you must be feeling real happy and excited about this post more than the rest already right?
but being kinda unsure whether to talk about tennis or other stuffs, i guess i shall begin talking about tennis stuffs then! If you wanna chat about other stuffs, you can always feel free to come and chat with me! =Y
Alrightyyyyyy, i shall try talking about my tennis experience then..
What i've gone through in the past is probably what most of you people have been through or are going through.. Starting out tennis only when we're in poly, finding it real fun and interesting, or maybe more towards COOL-NESS for the guys, but when we tried to play it, it will only get our face thrown around in the courts in front of unknown people instead of being that totally awesome and cool dude like the seniors. HAHA! =P
It was definitely not easy to be able to play like them, since we do not have the privilege of playing tennis when we were younger, but i know that at least we can now be able to play TENNIS! =D
i know it ain't easy when you have the chance to play with the seniors, because of you feeling really shy and scared that you may disappoint them or make them pissed off when you fail to hit nice balls. As much as how the situation in your mind and heart can be like, i can seriously tell you that if you're about to maintain your coolness, you will definitely get better and better.
Sometimes, or maybe most of the time, when you're scared, you can totally not perform well! Once you can overcome it, i'm sure you've improved a level in TENNIS! =D
Hmmmm.. i think this post is getting a little too longggg.. i shall see whether to post another one in the future depending on how the response is like! (or probably this could be the one and only post i am going to blog about!) =Y