Right now i have a lobang for 2 second-hand rackets,Head Prestige Pro

P.S dampener not included:P
Midplus Specs
Head Size:
98 sq. in. / 632.26 sq. cm.
Length: 27 inches / 68.58 cm
Strung Weight: 11.8oz / 334.52g
Swingweight: 320
On the web this racket is selling at SGD 260(In singapore much more EX)
But because this racket is 2nd-hand, and it belongs to our senior walter he has decided to sell it at just 100 Bucks!Cheap!cheap!(trust me you wont find such good offer anywhere in singapore, i would purchase it if i didnt already have 2 rackets already:X)
Oh ya the condition of the rackets is 7/10(DAMN GOOD ALREADY FYI)
So for those interested please MSG or Call me @ 91007919 first come first serve basis:)
I really recommend those in the club if Dont have a competitive racket to get it:)The racket you hold really does affect your playing..